My Stoop

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tasty Tuesday and Little Weenies

This will by far, be the easiest most well loved recipe you will ever see, make and eat. All you have to do is buy the little wieners in a grocery store.

 There are a few types of little wieners. There are the little plain ones, the sausage ones, and one other freaky type. Wow, I feel bad writing this even though they do taste smashing. Eww Eww......
Ok.. Now, put bbq sauce in a chafing dish like the one I have shown here. I use the sassy Famous Daves BBQ sauce after I boil the weenies. Add weenies with bbq sauce and vwala, you have a guest favorite. I cook three bags for my huge family of 20 on holidays. I love my chafing dish and my sterno. It makes me think of the holiday season. I am so easily pleased just like my kids say....


  1. Wonderful photo... And yes on that appetizer, snack, or tasty treat. My sister does the same thing. My kids love those tasty treats.

  2. Brenda,
    Funny that your kids love this too....

  3. My family is gonna love this!


  4. Linda,
    We so love these. Protein and good tasty treat.

  5. whats not to like about a chafing dish?!
    nothin' better than a little weenie.
    that didn't sound right - you know what i meant!

  6. Margaret,
    Bahh, your so right. What's not to like in a chafing dish? My naughty mind has rubbed off on you Margaret. Lttle weenie. Bah

  7. Oh Yum. We need to find a place (forum) to exchange recipes. My husband made kielbasa in Blackberry sauce--I don't know exactly how he did it--but that was THE best. LOL. Cheers, Jenn.
