My Stoop

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fifteen Minutes Free Writing Oh My

OK. So I am supposed to free write for fifteen minutes and see what my creative mind has to say. What will this stream of consciousness free to roam say, teach, grumble.......

I have set my clock to fifteen minutes so bear with me now. Carl Jung Swiss Psychologist believes that our conscious and unconscious mind balance each other out. How you ask? Well, one way is to free write and see what lies in the ole' beany. Dreams help us balance out our psyche too. Oh, the stories I could share with you on how my mind is unveiled in dreams. See, sometimes it is the real wacky doodle dreams that we have to pay attention to. Now one, might dream of being with someone who one despises, but see, the whole matter of the balancing act of the psyche is just that.  We may dream we are in a full fledged love affair with one we actually do not respect at all. One may venture to say that we learn much from our moral compass and how we view the world then, with such dreams.

I have done free writing before as a spiritual exercise. What came out of my soul and out of my free range hand was no more than amazing even to me. I do healing work and so for me to be in deep connection to my higher self is important. One time I was writing and was told how I was to write a book which would help the world. Well, I have been writing that book and it has been shared in my writings that I do online. I will publish all of these at some point.

One time as I sat in my home free writing, an archangel wrote through me and more than anything, this angel said " Love is All."  Now how cool is that and do we not know that the biggest lesson in the bible is to love and be loved. Love is all that matters and if you think about it, what is life without love?  Now I don't have a love in a marriage partnership anymore since I am divorced, but the love I give and receive is deep, profound and life changing.  See, now that I am free to be who God wants me to be, I can now be of service in love in so many ways. I don't have someone telling me what I can and can't do. I know my love partnership is not like all of you in that you have someone who supports you and helps you to strive to be the best you. I did not have this and now that I am free to be the "Real Me", I have blossomed in what God calls Agape love. To me my life is all about giving out love in ways that even I did not know possible.

Wow, I have only one more minute to write in this fantastic free writing. It just flows once you start. If there is a point to my writing here today, it is about being open to love and sharing it in whatever way God gifted you. We all have gifts and all I do is use mine now as a light worker or healer, just the vehicle to give out Gods love to the universe. So with that and now that I am actually one minute over, thanks for listening to my non stop stream of consciousness.  Remember, we all have a purpose here, be wise and use it, for life will be that much more abundant for you and the world.


  1. Absolutely fantastic! I absolutely believe that love really is all. The basis for every religion, for our human connection, for our inner guidance and light (that inner voice that I'm so fond of talking about)--all of that boils down to truth, and the core of truth is love. All is love.

    I am always glad when I've stopped by to sit on your stoop. It's a warm, welcoming, wonderful place to be. Thank you.

  2. Wow Laura-You sure flowed here on the free writing. Great points that came out: Dreams and their meaning and how love is everything as we wander through this earthly journey. I am proud to be your twin sister.

  3. This was so beautiful and I totally agree with you, to be the ultimate is to be who God intended for us to be. I just had this conversation with my husband the other day and that this is goal of mine. I am going to stop getting in my own way from being "who I am."

    Laura, you should be very, very proud of yourself!

  4. When I was growing up we had a stoop in front of our house where everyone came to talk. It is so nice to visit yours. Great post. I agree that love is all. If you are filled with love everything else will fall into place.

  5. Love is all, but wow, what a marvellous post Laura. Well done.

  6. great post, laura... hey thanks for stopping by my blog and following...
    i shall enjoy your words, also....
    hope your new year is grand!

  7. will you tell me about book blogs? what does it entail? do they give you books, or do you just recommend them? thanks.

  8. Beth,
    so honored that you enjoy stopping by the stoop.

  9. Daphne
    I also hope your new year is grand. Just be who you are and you have done it all. As book blogs they want you to write of books you read or have written.

  10. GenePool Diva
    Love is all. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. Thanks so much.

  11. Kat,
    So true, if you have love around you, it's all good.

  12. Linda,
    Thanks, free writing, watch out....

  13. Beachlover
    what a lovely comment. Thanks so much for stooping it.....

  14. Would like to hear about your dreams more in future posts :D

  15. laura laura laura...LOVE THIS AND well just feel totally at home with your thoughts and "ooh" and Ahhh about the arch angel thing tho it was a little "woo woo" out there...but so so can relate and have been in this zone too! Can't explain just happens and its real loud the lesson..and application is you! ((hugs))

  16. Brenda
    I love that you got the archangel thing. Wondered what people thought of that, but since it was a stream of writing.... oh well........ My lesson that day was definately LOUD. Ha

  17. You are so much deeper than I could ever be.


  18. Well yes, what a post! Food for thought!

  19. Claudia
    Thanks for stopping by the stoop. Food for thought, to be sure.....

  20. Feathered Pen,
    I will have to post more of my dream life and my life auto writing...

  21. It's the wacky doodle dreams that I need to pay attention to? And all this time I thought it was my subconscious mind entertaining me...LOL.

    Awesome 15 minute free write! I enjoyed getting a glimpse of your unguarded mind...

  22. Darlene,
    Wacky Dreams doodle doo. I am glad you stopped by the delve into our psyche. ha
