My Stoop

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Love is All

When the world looks black, love is all
When you stumble and fall, love is all
When you can't see past the cloud, love is all
When you can't get up, love is all
When you strain to look forward, love is all
When you can't see the sun, love is all
When you don't know where your going, love is all
When it looks so bleak, love is all
When it all falls apart, love is all
When you feel all the weight, love is all

Support is everything, love is all
Like Harriet Tubman says, push forward through it, love is all


  1. These days I need to remember some of these truths....

  2. Anonymous10/9/12 10:56

    Love really is all, isn't it. It's really ALL that matters.


    1. Here Here. So right. Always good to have you on my stoop.
